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Who We Are

The Epoch Public Foundation was established with the aim to uplift and inform society by publishing quality content that embodies integrity, dignity, and the best of humanity. Our main activities are supporting the production and promotion of the Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty (NTD).

The Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty don’t follow the unhealthy trend of agenda-driven journalism prevalent in today’s media environment. They use the principles of Truth and Tradition as their guiding light. They highlight in their reporting the best of humanity, the valuable lessons of history, and traditions that are beneficial for society.

The Epoch Public Foundation will rely on the Epoch Times and NTD cross-media platform communication advantages and the intellectual support of professional volunteer teams to aggregate business resources in a more professional, systematic, and lasting manner to serve society by delivering the truth.

We exist to give people hope that media can live up to its purpose of truthfully informing the public. Fostering understanding, increasing goodwill between one another and impacting people and society positively is our hope, our responsibility, and our promise.

From the Readers
I think your coverage is thoughtful and balanced in a way that I haven't seen elsewhere. And I say this, by the way, as a former senior vice president of CBS News so I know a lot about media and journalism, I would say.
Jeff Ballabon
Former SVP, CBS News
I congratulate you and Epoch Times for the work you are doing especially with regards to keeping the menace of the communist threat in front of us; and secondly, really almost single-handedly doing the work of investigating into the corruption for what I call Obamagate of where most of the mainstream media won’t.
Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Military and Intelligence Analyst
Former Deputy Assistant to the President
One of the ways I learned about Huawei was reading The Epoch Times. The Epoch Times has led the reporting on so many different verticals. The Epoch Times continues to report and is indefatigable and won’t be turned off and continues to report the truth.
Steve Bannon
Former White House Chief Strategist
It's our favorite paper. It's the first one we read. And if I don't get a chance in the hustle and bustle of my day, I hop on a plane, I've got it there for me!
Rep. Paul Gosar
Congressman, Arizona
The Epoch Times has documented so well on Spygate: this is rigging a criminal case for political purposes.
Luke Rosiak
Investigative Reporter
I love reading your outlet. I am a big fan, longtime fan, first time caller! I read you almost every day. I do. I guess it would be a cliche at this point to say I don’t really trust the mainstream media.
Michael Knowles
Political Commentator
Contact us
Epoch Public Foundation
774 7TH ST FL 2, Secaucus, NJ 07094